Aging is a continuous process that occurs throughout our whole existence. Science is keen on overcoming the process of aging for a stable life. Researchers are focused on evaluating human biochemistry to conclude the basics of aging and to figure out the methods to control it.

Science also strives to understand the molecular and cellular processes that support aging and how it affects the human body. There is also the need to comprehend the chronic diseases that start developing and manifesting in the human body with the passage of time, which plays a crucial role in the aging mechanism. Therefore, scientists are determined to design a solution that can help us combat or repress the phenomena of aging.

Previous studies have identified Klotho as a gene involved in the aging process in animals, but a recent study suggests that Klotho is a geroprotective protein that can eliminate the effects of aging and illness as well. It has been observed that Klotho modification has evolved into an important method for treatments in the medical field. Klotho combined with other therapies is more effective, and it has the ability to collaborate with senolytics and other live biotherapeutics. Klotho is shown to also be effective with traditional medication.

Another imperative point of this study is that Klotho production and circulation levels both drop with age, so maintaining it can be beneficial for resisting aging. It is also known that when we combine the medication with dietary and exercise-based methods, it provides a more balanced approach to delivering these to the broader public. Consequently, Klotho will help more people enhance their lifespans in this way.

The other key elements associated with aging are chronic diseases like kidney failure or any other organ failure. The scientists are hopeful that Klotho will support the battle against chronic human diseases as well. The applications of Klotho to age-related disorders are promising and have already shown therapeutic benefits with research done on mice. The amount of available data from scientific research and clinical trials show that modulating Klotho activity is an interesting and realistic potential treatment. As such, it could be a possible treatment for a variety of illnesses associated with aging, including CKD (chronic kidney disease).