The Klotho protein occurs naturally in the human body. Scientists have been interested in this protein for years because of its links to anti-aging capabilities. Individuals with higher levels of this protein may have a slower aging process, have improved brain function, have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular complications, and could live longer. Even though a lot of studies have taken place in animals, researchers have found that mice with a higher level of this protein have an increased resistance to oxidative stress, which could reduce their risk of developing cancer.

As a result, there are a lot of people who are looking for ways to increase levels of this protein themselves. One of the best ways to do so is to exercise regularly. Specifically, aerobic activities, such as swimming, cycling, walking, and running, can increase levels of this protein in the bloodstream. This could reduce someone’s risk of developing chronic medical conditions down the road.

Taking probiotics could also increase levels of the Klotho protein. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help people digest their food in the gastrointestinal tract. When people have the right balance of healthy bacteria, they could reduce their risk of developing chronic illnesses. Furthermore, certain types of probiotics can increase the expression of the Klotho gene. In addition to taking supplements, yogurt with live cultures can also act as a probiotic.

In the future, a specific Klotho therapy could be developed. What this means is that scientists are trying to figure out how to make the Klotho protein in a laboratory. If researchers are able to produce the protein in a lab, it could reduce people’s risks of developing age-related chronic diseases. Examples include dementia, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. Individuals who have low levels of the protein can have Klotho administered directly to them.

Right now, there is no direct Klotho therapy available to the public. It is still an active area of research, but it is unclear when the therapy will be available. In the meantime, it is important for people to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. This can go a long way toward increasing Klotho expression and could reduce people’s risk of developing chronic medical conditions down the road.